How to Care for Webbed fingers and Toes?

Webbed Fingers and Toes

After a child conceives, one of the first things educated parents to do is count the baby’s fingers and toes. What happens when those fingers look intertwined or stuck? Restoratively, that condition is known as ‘webbed fingers or toes’ also called ‘syndactyly’. It happens when skin wires at least two fingers or toes, making them … Read more

What to Know About Gustatory Rhinitis? Causes & Treatment

Gustatory rhinitis

Gustatory rhinitis is a type of gustatory rhinitis. It causes a runny nose when you eat specific food varieties. The symptoms of gastrointestinal rhinitis suggest occurring when you experience a minimal nasal release after eating the trigger food (the sneezing). Sometimes, you might experience sniffling and watery eyes, but no tingling or other symptoms. Pretty … Read more

Interview with Niantic CEO John Hanke about the company’s vision for the metaverse and how it could become a dystopian nightmare

Interview with Niantic CEO John Hanke about the company’s vision for the metaverse and how it could become a dystopian nightmare — The metaverse, the concept of an alternative, shared digital world that originated in sci-fi, has bubbled up to the surface of tech chatter during the later days of the pandemic. In the late … Read more

Apptopia: since Trump was banned from Twitter, daily use of Twitter has remained remarkably consistent

Banning Trump Didn’t Change How Much People Use Twitter, New Data Shows Trump’s presence on Twitter had no impact on how much people used it, contrary to the popular narrative. During the time Donald Trump was president, there was a common misconception among some people that Twitter’s fate was dependent on his. In his view, … Read more

Who is the Poorest Person in the world?

Who is the Poorest Person in the world?

Jerome Kerviel is the poorest person in the world. He has a net worth of negative $7 billion. In 2008, he was convicted of causing a loss of 4.9 billion euros ($6.5 billion) at Société Générale, one of France’s largest banks. Kerviel worked for the bank as a trader and lost track of $49 billion … Read more