How Long Do Lizards Live?

Compared to the wild, lizards live much longer in captivity than they do in the wild. In order to ensure your pet lives a long and healthy life, here are a few tips you should follow.

As a pet lizard owner, you are in it for the long haul, which is why it is so important to know how long lizards live before choosing one as a pet. There are many dogs who live a long life, but a lot depends on how well you take care of their individual needs in order to prolong their life span.

It’s so worth it

The fact that lizards can be very interactive with humans might come as a surprise to you. “Lizards are full of personality and really connect with their owners,” says Ryan McVeigh, founder of the Madison Area Herpetological Society and marketing brand manager for Zilla, a company known for its quality products.

In fact, they will often come to the front of the terrarium when they want food or to get out and spend time with their owners when they have learned the faces and voices of their owners. Like a dog or cat, a lizard can learn their name and come on command, just as a dog or cat can.”

Due diligence

As soon as you start diving into the question of how long do lizards live, it may seem a bit daunting at first. If you simply place your new family member in a glass tank with a decorative landscape or a diet of crickets, then you cannot expect him to live a long life.

There is no doubt that lizards are amazing pets, but they do require more investment in the initial setup of the lizard and a good understanding of how to care for them, according to McVeigh. As a lizard owner, you need to know your lizard’s native habitat so that you can recreate it in your home environment.”

Long live the lizard!

What is the average lifespan of a lizard? There is no doubt that lizards in captivity have a much longer life expectancy than those in the wild because they have access to veterinary care, improved nutrition, and do not have to fight off predators. No matter what, make no mistake about it, proper care is the key to a long and healthy life.

To keep their cold-blooded bodies in tip-top condition, lizards depend on the care and attention of their pet parents to provide them with optimal housing, such as a terrarium or aquarium. According to McVeigh, terrariums need to have both a warm and a cold side to allow the animals to adjust their body temperature based on their environment.

Additionally, UV lighting is essential for lizards to be able to metabolize the calcium in their diet, and without it, they are at risk of getting sick and even dying. There is no doubt that supplements and vitamins are essential for their health and longevity as well.

Lizards for beginners

There are so many different types of lizards to choose from these days, so how can you possibly decide which one to choose? For beginners, McVeigh recommends the crested gecko, blue tongue skink, bearded dragon, and leopard gecko as good choices.

In addition to being easy to care for, they eat food that is easily accessible, isn’t too large, and is fun to interact with. Even though these lizards are easy to care for, it is essential that you prepare their housing before bringing them home. McVeigh says that before you put your new pet in a terrarium, it is important that the temperature, lighting, food, and humidity are all properly adjusted.

In the case of buying a lizard on impulse without having the appropriate environment already set up, the health of the lizard may be at risk.

Crested geckos

Despite the fact that crested geckos come in a variety of colors, one of their most distinguishing features is their fringed crest, which extends from their eyes to the back of the animal. From snout to tail, they measure about 8 inches in length, and they live for about 20 years on average.

However, if you put a young gecko in a cage that is too big, it may become stressed out and refuse to eat, according to Zilla. In addition to temperature, the crested gecko is also at risk of dying if it is exposed to temperatures above 80°C for a prolonged period of time.

Blue-tongue skinks

The name of this species of lizard suggests that it has a long blue tongue that it uses to ward off predators by using it as a defense mechanism. According to Zilla, another fascinating fact about these animals is that when they are attacked, they can drop off their tail in order to make a quick escape from danger.

There are about 18 to 24 inches in length, and they can live for a period of about 20 years. It goes without saying that if you decide to get two blue-tongue skinks, they will need their own housing because they tend to be territorial and to fight among themselves. There is no doubt that these pet combos don’t make good roommates either.

Bearded dragon

Known for its friendly and docile nature, the bearded dragon grows between 12 and 24 inches in length and can easily live for 15 years if given the right care.

It is recommended that the dogs take a weekly soak in lukewarm water while being exposed to UVB lighting; without this, they can develop metabolic bone disease, which can cause deformations and even death.

Leopard geckos

They come in a variety of colors and can grow up to 10 inches in length. They have a life expectancy of about 20 years and can live for quite a long time. In addition to being super chill, they are also very easy to handle.

There are a number of ways you can improve the health of your leopard gecko by adding a UVA/UVB light which helps to improve their immune system, according to Zilla. It is also advisable to spray a calcium-boosting spray on the lizard’s insect meals if you wish to ensure a healthy diet for him. It’s crazy to think, but it is true that these animals live up to 100 years of age or even longer!

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