What are the symptoms of high creatinine?

High creatinine levels indicate kidney disease. Filtering out waste from the blood and excreting it through urination is the responsibility of the kidneys. Your kidneys cannot sufficiently filter out these waste products if they are not functioning properly, and as a result, they accumulate in your body fluids.

Numerous disorders might result in high creatinine levels, including diabetes, dehydration, protein-losing enteropathy (a condition that causes loss of protein from the gut), and more serious diseases such as kidney failure or heart failure, which affects your blood flow to the kidneys. 

However, high creatinine levels alone do not necessarily mean you have one of these diseases since it can also occur with some medications or after an injury that causes bleeding into your bowel wall. 

To know your creatinine level, you can take a creatinine test. In this article, you shall explore the symptoms associated with high creatinine levels in adults and children to determine if you need medical attention. 


Vomiting is a symptom of kidney disease, kidney failure, and kidney infections. Vomiting can be caused by an accumulation of waste products in the body that can cause nausea and vomiting. The most common cause is dehydration resulting from decreased fluid intake or excessive fluid loss (for example, sweating).


Some people with high creatinine levels experience seizures. Seizures are sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain that cause involuntary muscle movements and loss of consciousness.

Seizures can be caused by low blood sugar, high blood sugar, or high blood pressure. People with kidney problems may have an increased risk for these conditions because their kidneys do not work as well as they should. Medication can help control seizures so that you’ll feel better and be able to do more around your house again.

Fatigue, drowsiness and mental confusion

You may be experiencing fatigue, drowsiness, and mental confusion if you have high creatinine levels. A build-up of toxins in your body can cause these symptoms. Other conditions, such as diabetes or kidney disease, can also cause high creatinine levels. 

If you start to experience these symptoms, you must speak with your doctor immediately to determine whether they are related to your creatinine levels.

Decreased urine output

It’s important to know that urinary output is a good indication of kidney function. The color and clarity of your urine are related to the number of waste products your body is filtering out. A decreased urinary output could be an indication of kidney problems. It could also mean losing more water through sweating or breathing than usual- a condition called dehydration. 

Skin rashes and itching

Itching and skin rashes are the most typical signs of elevated creatinine levels. Before taking any over-the-counter treatment, contacting your doctor for a diagnosis is crucial, as other disorders like eczema or psoriasis may also cause these symptoms.

If you have high creatinine levels and redness on your skin, try applying wet cotton balls soaked in water mixed with baking soda. Rinse off after 20 minutes and pat dry with a clean towel.


Get checked out by a doctor if you have any of these symptoms. Creatinine builds up in your body when your kidneys aren’t functioning properly. 

It is crucial to carefully complete a creatinine test and seek medical help if you have any signs or symptoms of kidney illness since excessive creatinine levels can have significant side effects. You can take the test at every hospital you visit because the creatinine test price is so low.

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